Data & AI Fast Track: Unlock the Power of Your Data

Identify gaps and optimize your data management for enhanced productivity in 10 days.

In a modern business landscape, data is a crucial asset. However, many organizations struggle to fully utilize their data due to gaps in their data management and utilization strategies. Codit’s Data & AI Fast Track is designed to identify these gaps and provide expert insights on how to leverage Microsoft technology to optimize data utilization.

What We Will Do

  • Provide a prototype based on your specific business case, including a feasibility assessment to identify data gaps.
  • Offer insights on the Microsoft data offering and how it can be leveraged in your organization.
  • Provide clear next steps, a roadmap, and an estimate for building and implementing a modern data platform that suits your needs.

What You Will Get

  • A strategic plan to integrate Microsoft Data & AI solutions into your initiatives, tailored to your business goals and current infrastructure. It will also cover a feasibility assessment to identify data gaps.
  • A personalized 10-day assessment with real-world case studies relevant to your industry and in-depth demos showcasing analytics in action. You’ll see how similar organizations have successfully implemented these solutions. Additionally, you’ll receive expert insights on leveraging Azure PaaS in your organization.
  • We will use your data to lay the groundwork for a Proof of Concept. This includes a comprehensive gap analysis to identify areas for improvement and ensure maximum impact. Clear next steps and a roadmap will be provided for building and implementing a modern data estate platform that suits your needs.

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Sales & Account Manager

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