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Writing Flexible Integration Tests with F# Expecto
F# Expecto is a great tool to help you write all sorts of tests. This post explores the multiple ways to write integration tests in the F# Expecto beautiful paradigm -- to think in tests, not frameworks.
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Improve F#/C# Interoperability with Simple Interventions
Using F# in C# code or the other way around gets easier with each new .NET version. The automatic project loading of the latest version shows that the interoperability between these two languages is something that we will see more and more of. This post will go over some minor code interventions you can take to make the code exchange more developer-friendly.
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Useful Integration Test Fixtures in a .NET Dependency Injection System
During testing, fixtures are inevitable. Some help with passing information via back-channeling, whilst others help with asserting at unreachable places. In this blog post, explore the possible text fixtures in dependency injection systems.
Download Our New White Paper "Understanding SaaS and PaaS for IoT"
Discover which solution will help you meet your IoT goals.
Unlocking the Value of Dynamics 365 Through Integration
Learn how you can unlock the value of Dynamics 365 through integration for your organization.
Discover How You Can Get Started with IoT in this eBook "Beyond the IoT Hype"
This eBook walks you through the steps on how to begin your IoT journey.
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Automatic HTTP Client Correlation Tracking in Arcus WebAPI v1.6
Arcus WebAPI v1.6 is all about service-to-service correlation. Both the sending and receiving sides have been updated with cool features to ease the complexity of HTTP correlation.
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The Future of Integration: Migration Paths Explained
Once you have decided an integration solution is important for your organization, preparing and planning for the future must happen as soon as possible. In this blog post, we’ll go over some paths Codit can help you to take.
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Bringing Your Organization into the Future with an Azure Integration Solution
Codit helps organizations to digitally transform and future-proof your applications and infrastructure with Microsoft Azure. In this blog, we will go over some benefits, challenges and how to overcome them, and how an Azure integration solution can help your business.