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Self-Shunt Property-Based Testing Assertion in F# FPrimitive

Test properties are a great way to be absolutely sure that the implementation matches your assumption. There is, however, a possibility to go further than your system-under-test (SUT).

30 Mar 2023

all Technical posts

Rebranding Arcus for Maximum Adoption

Arcus has received many updates regarding the branding of each component's feature documentation. Just recently, we took the final step in the rebranding of Arcus: a whole new general Arcus landing zone.

23 Mar 2023

all Technical posts

Creating a More Inclusive Development Space

Inclusivity is a hot topic, but discussions will remain empty if we do not think about both our settings and our behavior. In this post, I'll go through some recent changes in the development space that are helping us to move towards a more inclusive environment.

20 Mar 2023

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Input Sanitization Made Easy with F# Computation Builders in FPrimitive

Simplifying input sanitization and input validation is one of the biggest added values of the FPrimitive library. The upcoming release brings input sanitization to another level, with fluent computation expressions.

16 Mar 2023

all Life at codit

Codit: Where People with Special Needs Find a Place to Work

Codit has received several 'Great Place to Work' (GPTW) awards in a row, across countries and departments. Harder to verify, however, is how people-minded a company really is, and how far they make sure that those with special needs feel no different from the rest.

14 Mar 2023

all Technical posts

Integrating Arcus Security in a Non-Invasive Manner

One of the issues with integrating Arcus into your projects is that it has the reputation of being 'invasive', or 'breaking current functionality'. This post will show you how Arcus can make your application more secure, without bulldozing your code base.

9 Mar 2023
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