alle White papers

Unlocking the Value of Dynamics 365 Through Integration

Learn how you can unlock the value of Dynamics 365 through integration for your organization. This white paper distills the valuable knowledge that the Codit team has garnered from over 15 years of integration experience.

Unlock the Value of Dynamics 365 with Integration

Here at Codit we’ve learned that a transition to Dynamics 365 is the beginning of a company’s transition to the cloud and affects the entire scope of a company’s IT future.

From an architecture point of view, this transition needs to be carefully planned in order to avoid having integration turn into a burden that holds this transition back. It’s important that integration is well thought out at the beginning of a Dynamics 365 project, especially since investigating how to tackle integration further down the line is a luxury organizations can’t afford.  The integration strategy should consist of an integration architecture combined with clear and standardized implementation guidelines and should be viewed as a critical success factor in both the short term and the long-term.

This white paper distills the lessons Codit has learned through over a decade of architecting, developing and maintaining integration solutions surrounding Dynamics ERP and CRM implementations. We’ve also added the specific knowledge we’ve gained in multiple Dynamics 365 projects we’ve already been involved in. In this newest version, you can also discover more about using webhooks to send out data to an HTTP endpoint and learn how to use a Recurring Integrations service.


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