In particular, we want to highlight that Codit Netherlands scored highly in the following areas:
Management is confident that their employees are doing their job well, without looking over their shoulders.
We work in a psychologically and emotionally healthy work environment.
Our customers would rate the service we provide as 'excellent'.
You can count on people to cooperate.
Codit Netherlands is a Great Place to Work
Great Place to Work The Netherlands explores the level of trust, pride, and happiness within organizations by having employees complete an extensive survey. The results of this survey are then analyzed and only organizations that achieve top scores receive the Great Place to Work title.
We thought we’d go ask one of our colleagues, Pim Simons – Senior Consultant, why he thinks Codit Netherlands is a Great Place to Work.
One of the things that came out of the survey is the level of trust management show to their entire team. “Our management team has made sure we all have quite a close contact,” said Pim “Even through coronavirus we’ve seen a lot of trust given to us, and in turn, we trust the management to be making the right decisions.” The team is given the freedom to their jobs, without having someone looking constantly over their shoulders. ‘We’re free to decide how to do our work, and that goes hand in hand with having trust from management and employees,” said Pim
Working from Home
With that been said, working from home has been the norm for 2020, and the isolation that comes with it can be very real. However, for the Codit team in the Netherlands, they never feel they are on their own. “We know our management team is there for us if we need something and I find that most important,” said Pim.
Aside from management, there are always colleagues to talk to if you want to bounce ideas around or just have a friendly chat. “Every Friday we have a Codit Café, a Teams meeting where we can virtually come together and talk with each other. We also have knowledge session via teams, so we’re still in a lot of contact with our colleagues,” said Pim “Everyone at Codit Netherlands works hard to make sure projects are done on time, and that’s always been the case. You can really rely on your colleagues to get the job done.”
Virtually Together
Pim has been working at Codit Netherlands for 10 years now, and 2020 has been a special year for Pim all round. “I have been working at Codit for 10 years now, I started as one of the youngest, and now I’m a senior,” said Pim. However, lockdown meant that an in-person celebration wasn’t possible, but Codit made sure to send Pim a royal gift to thank him for his royal effort and loyalty.
Pim also had something to celebrate on the person front – in July 2020 he welcomed his third son. “Actually, the work from home worked out awesome for me,” said Pim “My son was born in July, so I get to stay at home with my wife and baby.” Codit Netherlands was on the ball for this happy event “Of course they sent a present and a card, it all had to come through the post, but it’s nice that they are there for these types of occasions,” said Pim.
While it remains to be seen what the future holds for when the colleagues at Codit Netherlands can see each other face to face again, that doesn’t stop them from doing virtual activities together ‘
As a replacement for the family day, we sent colleagues a family package to do fun things with the family. At the end of the year we had a digital Christmas drink, and the colleagues naturally received a year-end gift for their efforts. In this way we were able to close the year nicely. At a distance, but together!” said Hanane Azdad, HR Responsible.
An Amazing Achievement
So, what does this amazing achievement of being certified as a Great Place to Work mean for Codit Netherlands?
“It’s amazing we got this certificate because it’s confirmation that what we’re doing is working,” said Hanane “Also we can have insight on what points we can improve on, so we can create a good environment for everyone. We’re making plans to make Codit Netherlands a Greater Place to Work.”
It’s our third year getting this award, so you bet we’ll be celebrating!
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