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The Best of Hannover Messe 2019

The Swiss Codit team were present at Hannover Messe last week, here is what they discovered.

The Codit Switzerland team were present at Hannover Messe last week, the world’s leading industrial show and a must-see for decision makers. Every year industrial pioneers showcase the latest tech on the market and give a vision for the future.  There have been some impressive presentations,

It started off with some good news from Microsoft for many of our customers: The Open Manufacturing Platform (OMP) has been announced to provide a single open platform architecture that liberates data from legacy industrial assets, standardizes data models for more efficient data correlation, and most importantly, enables manufacturers to share their data with ecosystem partners in a controlled and secure way, allowing others to benefit from their insights. With pre-built industrial use cases and reference designs, community members will work together to address common industrial challenges while maintaining ownership over their own data

DB (Deutsche Bahn) retrofitted 80’000 Cargo Wagons with digital twin over their huge legacy estate. Trust me, the retrofitting problem can be solved, and not only in the logistics industry. DB installed sensors to enable the digital twin to make two types of measurement:

  • Measurements relating to operation that record the physical performance criteria of the freight wagon, such as kilometric performance.
  • Measurements relating to the environment that record the environmentally relevant or external data that influence the operation of the physical freight wagon, such as ambient temperature, air humidity or shocks.

“In a world of ever-increasing digitalisation, today’s customers expect a high level of service – they want to know, in real time, where their freight is, when it will arrive and what condition it is in. This is why we are retrofitting our entire fleet with digital technology,” says Dr Roland Bosch, the CEO of DB Cargo.

We were also proud to see our customer Bühler showcasing their IoT solutions.  Bühler and Microsoft are working to make food value chains more sustainable. They are doing this by creating solutions that improve safety and transparency, reduce waste and increase energy efficiency and yields. Codit Switzerland AG  helped create this Microsoft Azure IoT Hub solution which has enabled, Bühler to develop machines, solutions, process technologies and services to find answers to problems in the food chain. Bühler presents a selection of these new solutions at Microsoft’s booth at Hannover Messe

This year Codit Switzerland AG decided to address something we see often with our customer.  We know technological developments are a major part of any organization’s Digital Transformation, but how do you decide how and where to innovate inside your organization? We spoke to one of our most valuable partners- Pascal Mueller of Option 4.0 AG at Hannover Messe about the concept of co-creation.

“Co-creation is about being open and flexible, and opening the doors to the customer to join the development team of the company,” says Mueller “Because if we are not doing so, we are just creating opinion-based solutions and on the market,  this isn’t acceptable. So, we are moving to evidence based, and if the customer is on board it’s an evidence-based value creation.”

At Codit we open the doors to our customers and invite them to join us in co-creating solutions that really address their business needs and drives true value. We’re really looking forward to working with our customers and future customers on co-creating solutions that address areas where true innovation is necessary.

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