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Writing Integration Tests for Azure Event Grid 2.0 - The Scalable Approach
Learn how we've been using Azure Event Grid to build event-driven applications and how we test these applications. Find out what worked - and what didn't.
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Complex Transformations in Logic Apps
Recently, we faced the challenge to perform complex transformations in Logic Apps. We had an EDIFACT D96A ORDER parsed into XML, that had to be transformed into a generic JSON Order format. Let's have a look the issues we faced!
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Consuming Webhooks with Logic Apps
This blog post shows an example of how Logic Apps can be used to react to webhook events.
Download Our New White Paper "Understanding SaaS and PaaS for IoT"
Discover which solution will help you meet your IoT goals.
Unlocking the Value of Dynamics 365 Through Integration
Learn how you can unlock the value of Dynamics 365 through integration for your organization.
Discover How You Can Get Started with IoT in this eBook "Beyond the IoT Hype"
This eBook walks you through the steps on how to begin your IoT journey.
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Accepting Azure Event Grid events with Azure API Management
Azure API Management & Azure Event Grid are a great combination, but it needs some setup. I've contributed an API Management policy to get you started!
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Reusable Integration Test Building Blocks with F# FScenario and C# Interop
How to make your integration test reliable, correct and more fun to write.
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Responsibilities of Webhook Consumers
In order to establish a solid communication through webhooks, both the publishers and the consumers have to respect their responsibilities. This blog post touches upon the responsibilities of the webhook consumer.