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Control Your Azure Functions Securely Through Azure API Management
In some scenarios, you need to start/stop your Azure resources based on external events. APIs are a good way to expose this "control plane" functionality, as it allows seamless integration within your enterprise.
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The danger of using config.AddAzureKeyVault() in .NET Core
.NET Core provides a great way to define where your configuration is located. However, the provider for Azure Key Vault is a bit tricky and you should be cautious about potentially wrong credentials due to stale caches.
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Help, My Logic Apps Retries Are Not Firing!
Cloud native applications need to be designed to cope with failure. Logic Apps meets this expectation through its configurable retry mechanisms that are available on each action. However, these retries are not firing in every scenario.
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Unlocking the Value of Dynamics 365 Through Integration
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Discover How You Can Get Started with IoT in this eBook "Beyond the IoT Hype"
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Logic Apps connector performance (3/3) - The good
This post discusses Codit's preferred approach for connecting Logic Apps to systems that have APIs exposed.
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Logic Apps connector performance (2/3) - The ugly
Let's have a look at the workarounds that Microsoft proposes to overcome the throttling limits of the Logic Apps connectors.
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Logic Apps connector performance (1/3) - The bad
One of Logic Apps biggest selling points is the fact that the runtime is serverless, which results in a very scalable integration platform.