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Monitoring Azure Service Bus Topic Subscriptions
Azure Monitor does not provide metrics for Azure Service Bus Topics to visualize, alert or autoscale. In this post, I'll provide some workarounds to make it possible.
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How to Use Azure API Management Service as Frontstage of a Blob Storage Account
APIs are becoming the "lingua franca" between all type of entities, companies, services, applications, and many others, but this is not without challenges. In this blog post we outline how you can use Azure API Management service as a Frontstage of a Blob Storage Account.
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Introduction to Exceptions Handling
Read this small intro into our latest blog series on exception handling/reporting, by Codit Senior Consultant Marc Fellman.
Download Our New White Paper "Understanding SaaS and PaaS for IoT"
Discover which solution will help you meet your IoT goals.
Unlocking the Value of Dynamics 365 Through Integration
Learn how you can unlock the value of Dynamics 365 through integration for your organization.
Discover How You Can Get Started with IoT in this eBook "Beyond the IoT Hype"
This eBook walks you through the steps on how to begin your IoT journey.
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Top 14 Takeaways from Microsoft Ignite 2021
Microsoft Ignite, the industry's leading gathering for all leaders and practitioners in technology was an all-virtual affair this year, with loads of inspirational and informative content. In this blog post Codit'ers Tom Kerkhove, Gonçalo Chaves, and Steven De Lausnay have given us the rundown of the most important takeaways from the event.
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Logic Apps and EDI – AS2 and MDN Failures
Azure Logic apps and the Enterprise Integration account provide a mechanism for implementing business to business (B2B) solutions. This blog will outline the way these resources were used in a recent project and highlight some MDN issues that had to be resolved.
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Top 4 Reasons that AI and Machine Learning Deployments Fail
Did you know that 80% of all AI and Machine Learning deployments fail? Maxime Dehaut, Lead Architect and AI/ML expert at Codit Luxembourg will tell you why in this latest vlog.