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Testing as an Afterthought: Why it Doesn't Work
Tests are often written as an afterthought when the implementation is finalized. This way of working is not only dangerous from a security perspective, but it also removes any opportunities that tests could bring to the table.
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Monitoring Azure Landing Zones
As organizations shift their workloads to the cloud, having a well-designed and monitored landing zone is crucial to maintaining visibility, ensuring compliance, and optimizing resource utilization. In this blog post, we will explore a possible approach to landing zone monitoring and start looking at the tools to help you achieve comprehensive monitoring and observability.
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Unleashing the Power of Arcus and Interceptors: Identifying and Optimizing Slow Queries
Want to find out what part of your request/response cycle is eating up all the precious microseconds of your database-driven API? By combining Arcus and some good old interceptors you can find out!
Download Our New White Paper "Understanding SaaS and PaaS for IoT"
Discover which solution will help you meet your IoT goals.
Unlocking the Value of Dynamics 365 Through Integration
Learn how you can unlock the value of Dynamics 365 through integration for your organization.
Discover How You Can Get Started with IoT in this eBook "Beyond the IoT Hype"
This eBook walks you through the steps on how to begin your IoT journey.
all Codit insights
3 Key Advantages of Moving Your Apps to the Cloud with Microsoft Azure
In today's digital landscape, having modern and efficient applications is essential for organizations to remain competitive. However, many have legacy applications that may not meet the needs of modern business. Organizations must undergo app modernization - the process of updating and optimizing their applications for their current environment. Microsoft Azure offers a safe and reliable platform for organizations to move and modernize their applications, taking advantage of the economic benefits of the cloud. In this blog post, we'll explore how.
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Integration testing speaks its own language. Understanding this language is key to writing reliable integration tests. This post gives a broad view of some of the 'words' in this language.
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Istio Add-On for AKS First Sight
A couple of months ago at Kubecon EU 2023 Microsoft announced the public preview of Istio addon for AKS. In this blog post, I'll try out the new add-on and see how it works.